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Thursday, 27 October 2022


Since September 2022, the Manpower Ministry has received data on the 15.6 million workers who are entitled to receive wage subsidy aid (BSU) countrywide from the State-Owned Social Security Agency (BPJAMSOSTEK), with a focus on accuracy and caution.

During President Joko Widodo's BSU distribution inspection event in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on Tuesday, BPJAMSOSTEK's President Director, Anggoro Eko Cahyo, said, "BPJAMSOSTEK (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) continues (to uphold) its commitment to support the government in achieving the BSU distribution target."

Being an active member of the BPJAMSOSTEK is one of the requirements to receive a BSU in accordance with Manpower Minister Regulation No. 10 of 2022.

Accordingly, this initiative may be thought of as a type of reward from the government to employers who have registered their employees to become members of BPJAMSOSTEK, he added through a statement on Thursday.

Cahyo warned employees to exercise caution while responding to requests for personal information from BPJAMSOSTEK and BSU.

Workers interested in learning if they qualify to get BSU benefits may do so by visiting the official website at

Workers who are members of BPJAMSOSTEK will be more productive in addition to receiving additional advantages like the BSU because they are covered by five worker social security programs.

These programs can shield participants against the possibility of occupational fatalities and injuries while assuring their successful retirement.

He added that the agency urges all employers to insure their workers against social and economic hazards while consistently reporting the wage amount and fee payment, as indicated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Employees may be eligible for a follow-up program from the government, such as the BSU, depending on information about their BPJAMSOSTEK membership.

Jokowi advised all employees to make sure they are registered as members of BPJAMSOSTEK when speaking to BSU awardees.

According to Yudi Amrinal, the head of the Jakarta Mangga Dua BPJAMSOSTEK, registering employees for the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Program is now required of all employers and businesses.

"The main objectives are to give protection and prosperity, not only to meet the regulation mandate."

Tuesday, 25 October 2022


 Puan Maharani, speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), has requested the government to set up a task group to stop cases of sexual assault at public facilities.

She made the request in response to a report of suspected sexual assault suffered by a contract worker at a ministry.

"Sexual assaulters must face the harshest penalties possible. Sexual assault offenders (shall) face severe penalties. Additionally, Law Number 12/2022 Concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS) is currently in effect "Tuesday, she said.

She added that it is illegal to force rape victims to wed the perpetrators of the rape in accordance with the TPKS Law. The degree of punishment for offenders who are the victims' superiors at work is also governed by the TPKS Law, she added.

The TPKS Law, which governs both prevention and the recovery, processing, and resolution of sexual violence cases, is in line with the Anti-Sexual Violence Task Force, she said.

She claims that in addition to managing case settlement, the task force may lead the charge in preventing sexual abuse in government facilities.

The House Speaker stated that in order to help victims recover from trauma, systemic regulations and mental support must also be offered.

She emphasized that in order to ensure that all of the victim's rights are upheld, linked parties must help victims with their recovery and give legal support.

Additionally, she urged sexual assault victims to speak out because many of them feel helpless and ashamed to disclose the sexual assault they have endured.

She added that victims of sexual assault need not be concerned about or scared to report their experiences since they will be safeguarded, even with regard to the privacy of their identities.

Saturday, 22 October 2022


Mohammad Syahril, a spokesman for the Health Ministry, encouraged parents to monitor their children's frequency and volume of urination to prevent acute renal failure.

The quantity and frequency of urination are indicators of kidney failure. Normally, 12 times per day, then a little suddenly, then even less frequently, "Syahril made this observation on Saturday in Jakarta during an online discussion titled "The Mystery of Acute Kidney Failure."

According to Syahril, kidney diseases that impair the kidneys' ability to operate as the body's metabolic hub and to eliminate urine as a metabolic waste are the first signs of acute renal failure. Acute renal failure could result from kidney diseases that persisted and caused a decrease in urine frequency.

That resulted in numerous fatalities. According to the most recent ministry data, 133 children died from acute renal failure and 69 children underwent dialysis to recover from kidney failure. The large increase in cases was highly suspected to be caused by children's syrup medications that included levels of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol over the threshold.

"Of the 11 instances that we examined, seven cases had ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol testing results that were positive, indicating that these substances were certainly harmful to consume. Five medications with these substances have been approved by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM)," Syahril said.

The Ministry of Health has not been able to determine the cause of the cases despite the fact that ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol are responsible for the majority of instances of acute renal failure in children.

Friday, 21 October 2022



An international conference was conducted by the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Ministry to reaffirm the BUMN commitment to assisting with the energy transition, putting energy sustainability principles into practice in the future, and preserving the economy.

According to a communiqué received in Jakarta on Thursday, the "BUMN International Conference: Driving Sustainable and Inclusive Growth" took place at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday (October 17, 2022).

Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Erick Thohir, the Minister of BUMN, as well as the boards of directors of other state-owned businesses, all attended the ceremony. Ma'ruf Amin, the vice president, spoke by video at the occasion.

Pandjaitan praised the significant function of BUMN in Indonesia in his address. He claims that government-owned businesses have made significant contributions in a variety of areas, including the economy, the health sector, and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He added that Indonesia has undergone a number of changes that call for BUMN's assistance. State-owned businesses thus play two key roles: they create value and promote development.

In every region of the nation, state-owned businesses are supposed to offer the commodities and services that the entire population need.

According to Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati, the major topic of conversation at the international conference was the issue of energy transition.

She stated that Pertamina is one of the BUMN that is very committed to implementing the energy transition and that Pertamina has made a number of actions to help this.

According to her, Pertamina aspires to be a well-known, leading global energy firm with a solid reputation for being socially conscious, environmentally conscious, and operating with good corporate governance.

In order to promote business sustainability in the future, Widyawati continued, "Pertamina has committed to implementing the environmental, sustainability, and governance (ESG) framework in all lines of the company's operations.

Sunday, 9 October 2022


Tahun 2022 ini, setelah pertimbangan panjang akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk membudgetkan & membeli asuransi kesehatan swasta. Seperti yang kita ketahui, setiap warga negara Alhamdulillah sudah memegang asuransi kesehatan BPJS nya masing-masing - begitu pun saya & keluarga kecil kami. Namun kali ini, saya rasa sudah afford untuk membeli asuransi kesehatan tambahan swasta. Alasan utama nya tentu untuk mitigasi resiko pada biaya-biaya kesehatan yang semisal pada suatu kondisi & lain hal BPJS tidak bisa dipakai. 

Karena seperti testimoni yang banyak beredar, jumlah peserta nya peserta BPJS membuat antrian untuk mendapatkan fasilitas kesehatan bisa sangat panjang. Dan tidak semua rumah sakit bisa menggunakan asuransi kesehatan BPJS tersebut juga. Saya sudah mencari informasi asuransi-asuransi swasta "raksasa" di Indonesia. Di karena profesi saya adalah buyer, saya berpegang bahwa trade record & credibilitas adalah langkah awal kita dalam membeli suatu produk atau pun jasa. Hal ini yang saya terapkan pada shortlisted awal asuransi-asuransi kesehatan swasta yang bertebaran di Indonesia.

Perhatian nya terfokus pada 2 asuransi besar yang menurut saya akan bisa diandalkan untuk jangka panjang, yaitu:

Declaimer bahwa pandangan saya tersebut tidak dengan maksud menjelekan penyedia jasa lain nya. Karena ini hanya pandangan & analisis pribadi saya saja, silahkan menentukan dengan pandangan masing-masing. Karena semua pengambilan keputusan, kembali ke masing-masing individu. 
Dari shortlisted asuransi awal saya ini, saya pun berkunjung ke website resmi asuransi tersebut & mencari kontak agen yang bisa saya hubungi. Syukurlah kedua nya memiliki website yang user friendly, maka tidak memakan banyak waktu akhirnya saya pun bisa terkoneksi dengan agen asuransi tersebut (resmi). In parallel saya mengumpulkan data-data terkait asuransi tersebut yang beredar di website & blogspot. Hal ini untuk memperkaya wawasan umum & pandangan saya. Karena saya ingin menilai masing-masing asuransi ini secara komperensif & objektif.
Termasuk saya juga mencatat temuan-temuan (jika ada) yang menjadi concern saya untuk saya tanyakan pada sesi diskusi dengan agen.

(to be contunued..)