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Saturday, 29 March 2014

Memperbaiki Touchpad yang Tidak Berfungsi

Udah sekitar sekian bulanan entah kenapa laptop aku ga bisa difungsiin "ngeklik di touchpadnya. Udah coba diotak-atik tapi belum nemu solusinya, sampe aku pikir ada masalah hardware. Alhamdulillah setelah baca dari beberapa sumber, aku mutusin untuk ngotak-ngatik lagi... Soalnya ga enak banget kalo harus terus-terusan bergantung sama mouse. Dan ternyata Alhamdulillah masalah terselesaikan. Caranya:
1. Aku mastiin kalo difungsi pengaturan yang standar emang uda bener semua, ga ada yang salah kepencet waktu dulu ato disable
2. Buka "control panel"
3. klik "hardware and sound"

4. Pada "Devices and Printers, pilih "Device Manager"

5. Buka "Mice and other pointing devices, klik kanan lalu pilih "Update driver software.."

6.Akan muncul jendela kayak berikut, lalu pilih aja "Search automatically..." kayak gambar di bawah ini.
7. Setelah itu kalo ada pertanyaan untuk restart, dipilih aja. InsyaAllah setelah laptop nyala kembali semua, masalah bakalan beres. Good luck ;)

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


Sudah pernah baca artikel dengan judul tulisan ini?. Kalo belum, berikut adalah ringkasan dari artikel ini yang sudah saya rangkum. Keilmuan yang digunain artikel ini salah satunya dipake buat perkuliahan yang berkaitan dengan start-up company. Pengarang artikel ini adalah Charles A. O'Reilly IIIJennifer Chatman, dan David F. Caldwell. Selamat membaca :)

The idea that bring in this article is talking about culture may be an important factor in determining how well an individual fits an organizational context (e.g., Kilmann, Saxton, & Serpa, 1986; Schein, 1985). The purpose of this research was to examine person-culture fit and its implications for work attitudes and behavior.
In theoretical background part, they talking the theoretical and latest research about person-situation fit, person-culture fit, and the assessment of person-culture fit. Organizations attempt to select recruits who are likely to share their values. In explanation, they said Just as research has shown that similar backgrounds, attitudes, and experience can increase liking between individuals (Tsui & O'Reilly, 1989), it may be that organizations that manifest and reward characteristic outcomes and behaviors will be more or less attractive to different types of people. Values provide the starting point, with the joint processes of selection and socialization acting as complementary means to insure person-organization fit (Chatman, 1988). Thus, congruency between an individual's values and those of an organization may be at the crux of person-culture fit.
To measure person-culture fit, the researcher use considerations from pervious researchs and found the general research question examined here was the following: To what extent is person-culture fit asso-ciated with individual commitment, satisfaction, and longevity with an or-ganization (Holland, 1985; Meir & Hasson, 1982; Mount & Muchinsky, 1978)?. They expected to find that high levels of person-culture fit would be positively associated with those outcomes. And Addressing that question required two types of analyses. First, we needed to demonstrate that preferences individuals have for organizational cultures are comparable to cultures that exist. Second, the relationship be-tween individual preferences and organizational culture needed to be as-sessed across a broad range of values. Therefore, we tested our general research question by developing a method of assessing culture based on the extant values of organizations and measuring person-culture fit through a semi-idiographic technique based on the profile comparison process (Cald-well & O'Reilly, 1990; O'Reilly et al., 1990).
Talking about methods, they investigate person-culture fit with developed an instrument that called the Organizational Culture Profile (OCP). This instrument contains a set of value statements that can be used to idiographically assess both the extent to which certain values characterize a target organization and an individual's preference for that particular configuration of values. Person-culture fit can be calculated by correlating the profile of organizational values with the profile of the individual's preferences. In a set of related investigations using multiple sets of respondents, they explored the characteristics of the OCP and demonstrated its ability to assess both organizations and people. In addition, they explored the relationship between preferences for organizational values and individual personality variables. Finally, they used the OCP to assess person-culture fit and test for the relationship between fit and work-related outcomes. They have 4 step to solve this problem with general hypothesis is that person-organization fit is related to work outcomes.
Step 1 -Describing organizational values.
Step 2-Assessing characteristics of firms.
Step 3-Assessing individual preferences.
The question like, “How important is it for this characteristic to be a part of the organization you work for?" The answers ranged from "most desirable" to "most undesirable.
Step 4-Calculating the person-organization fit score.
They calculated a person-organization fit score for each individual by correlating the individ-ual preference profile with the profile of the firm for which the person worked.
After do the measurement, they got the result. The result is individual variations in preferences for different organizational cultures are associated with interpretable differences in personality charac-teristics. one general hypothesis might be that organization's cultures tend to be similar when the organizations are in relatively homogeneous industries and thus have similar sizes, structures, levels of technological maturity, personnel configurations, regulatory demands, and orientations. Conversely, the cultures of firms in heterogeneous industries may be less similar. They also found that Measures of person-organization fit at time 1 were significantly related to individual commitment and satisfaction approximately 12 months later. Interestingly, person-culture fit is related to normative, value-based commitment but not to instrumental, compliance-based commitment.
The results of this study can contribute to future research in a number of ways. First, as organizational researchers continue to debate the importance of congruence between individuals and situations, these results demonstrate that a widely used tool for assessing personality can be adapted to provide comparable measures of persons and situations. Second, and more substantive, this research provides an empirically based definition of the pattern of values that define organizational culture. Third, and per-haps of greatest importance, these results demonstrate that the fit between an individual's preference for a particular culture and the culture of the organization the person joins is related to commitment, satisfaction, and turnover. This study and others like it can help clarify both the nature of organ-izational culture and the impact of cultures on individuals.
Nah itu dia, ringkasan yang saya dapet dari baca artikel ini. Kalo pengen baca yang aslinya bisa langsung di-search di google judul dari tulisan ini. InsyaAllah pasti nemu, dimana penjabaran dari artikel ini punya kaitan pada artikel Hannan & Baron mengenai blueprint untuk start-up company.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Hal Menarik Sistem Perkuliahan di Belanda (Bagian 1)

Ini adalah bulan kedua aku kuliah di Belanda, tepatnya di program managing innovation organization untuk ngelarin 6 bulan masa kuliah disini dalam rangka study pertukaran pelajar. Nama kampus tempat ku belajar adalah "Saxion University of Applied Sciences".

Banyak hal menarik yang aku temui dari sistem, mulai dari budaya saat di kelas, cara dosen ngajar, cara ngasih nilai, dll. Nah salah satu yang menurutku menarik adalah system penilaiannya sangat detail. Dan salutnya mereka pun sangat telaten untuk nge-post secara transparan alasan setiap poin yang diberikan plus dengan diberikan pilihan bagi yang mau mempertanyakan nilainya. Disetiap ada tugas semasa perkuliahan, nilainya langsung dikomunikasikan ke mahasiswa. Mereka punya aplikasi yang bisa ngeorganisir semua aktifitas perkuliahan, nilai, dll. Berikut ini salah satu gambarnya yang aku printscreen. Jadi setiap mahasiswa punya akun, untuk tau tetang apa pun yang terjadi dengan aktifitas perkuliahannya.

Dengan sistem kayak gini, membuat nilai tidak tiba-tiba ajaib keluar di akhir masa kuliah. Dan bisa ngedongkrak semangat mahasiswa juga kalo mereka harus tambah rajin belajar dll. 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Berangkat Ke Belanda

Hari  itu tepatnya tanggal 1 febuari jam 18.25 WIB adalah waktu keberangkatan aku ke Belanda, untuk kuliah satu semester ku di Saxion. Aku berangkat bersama rekan sekampusku, namanya Romi, yang juga mendapat beasiswa dari kampus kami. Sebenarnya jadwal pesawat kami jam 19.05, tapi karena diperkirakan penerbangan ini akan tiba terlambat saat transit di kuala lumpur maka jadawal kami dipindahkan ke jadwal yang lebih cepat. Disini perjalanannya dimulai, saat itu tepat pukul 18.09 Romi memanggilku untuk pergi ke ruang tunggu, sebenarnya aku sudah mengajaknya masuk ke ruang tunggu lebih awal tapi dia ngeles minta jam 18.09. Alhasil waktu yang sudah sangat mepet, membuat kami harus berlari terengah-engah karena ditunggu pesawat. Alhamdulillahnya, kami bisa kedapetan jadwal pesawat meski sepanjang lari tadi kami sampai dimarahin awak pesawat karena datang belakangan.
Sambil menghela nafas panjang, dan agak melolot aku bilang ke temanku itu "Ini terakhir kalinya masuk ke ruang tunggu di waktu yang mepet". Dan dalam hati ku juga ngomong, ini terakhir kalinya juga buat aku ngikutin "ngelesan" kamu yang sangat beresiko. Bayangin aja kalo kita bener ketinggalan pesawat. Sama dengan ngehangusin duit belasan juta. 
Benar-benar jadi bahan pelajaran berati: JANGAN PERNAH MEPET MASUK KE RUANG TUNGGU PESAWAT. 
(source: google picture)
Segala puji bagi Allah....perjalanan dilalui dengan lancar. Negara pertama tujuan pesawat adalah malaysia, jadi kami transit sebentar di bandara internasional mereka. Dan saat seperti ini mulai kerasa betapa bermanfaatnya smartphone itu. Karena koneksi telekomunikasi bermasalah akibat jaringan internasional plus kena tarif roaming mahal banget (padahal pulsa aku cuma puluhan ribu saja). Satu-satunya harapan adalah sinyal wiffi untuk ngakses internet dan berkomunikasi dengan keluarga di Indonesia dari jejaring sosial untuk ngasih kabar perjalanan. 
Nah gambar diatas beberapa hasil jepretan selama nunggu keberangakatan ke Belanda. Agak dag-dig-dug soalnya ini penerbangan pertama aku keluar Negeri. Dan untuk pertama kalinya juga aku naik pesawat dengan ukuran segede itu, dan fasilitas serta pelayanan yang sangat baik. Alhamdulillah. Selama diperjalanan tidak perlu khawatir dengan makan dan minum karena hampir tiap waktu disediakan oleh awak pesawat. Justru pas aku bawa minum di tas, malah disuruh dibuang sebelum masuk pesawat. Jadi memang lebih baik tidak udah bawa minum apapun kecuali saat diruang tunggu memang mau langsung dihabisin airnya.
Okay, dan Alhamdulillah tibalah kami bandara tujuan akhir (Schipol International), photo di atas ini jepretan waktu lagi nunggu kereta antar kota dari Schipol ke kota tujuan ku Enschede. Di sini kami bertemu dengan seorang wanita berjilbab paruh bawa bernama Bu Nisa, ternyata kami searah dengan kereta yang sama. Perjalanan jadi semakin nyaman karena syukurnya ada Bu Nisa yang sangat berbaik hati untuk membantu mengarahkan kami menaik kereta yang benar. Kabar buruknya saat diperjalanan Bu Nisa nyaris dicopet tasnya, untungnya saat itu beliau sigap untuk memegang erat tasnya. Tak terbayangkan kalo itu terjadi... hati jadi semakin dag-dig-dug, tapi kali ini bukan karena nervous mau nyampe Enschede tapi jadi takut dengan modus-modus pencurian lagi.
Sebelum beliau turun di kota tujuannya dengan tanpa di duga memberikan kami hadiah 40 Euro sebagai hadiah untuk anak kuliah. Subhanallah... Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan beliau. Dan karena Bu Nisa orang Malaysia, jadi kalo pun kami ngobrol pake bahasa Indonesia masih dapat saling mengerti. 
Sesampainya kami di Enschede, betapa bahagianya karena akhirnya "Dream comes true". Kotanya indah banget, dan pagi yang cerah itu kami sudah dijemput temen lama yang udah 6 bulan ketemu (namanya Reza) dan juga di jemput pihak kampus tempat kami kuliah di sana. 

Ngelupain "Seseorang" Itu Memang Susah

Sudah berapa lama kamu hidup bersama orang tua? ada yang tahunan, belasan, bahkan puluhan... Tapi sejauh itu, tidak ada kegalauan berarti yang kamu rasain ke orang tua dan keluarga kamu. Karena ketulusan cinta orang tua khususnya udah ga bisa diragukan lagi. Bahkan yang ada justru kita sendiri yang patut dipertanyakan setulus apa rasa cinta kita. Tapi yang sering jadi bahan galau adalah rasa yang sedih pada cinta yang tak sampai pada seseorang. Mungkin "dia" hanya bulanan, atau setidaknya tahunan berada di dekat kita. Tapi giliran datang sakitnya itu bisa berlangsung lama, bahkan sangat lama. 
(Source: Google Picture)
Tapi beruntunglah masih bisa ngerasain rasa itu, karena itu normal. Dan kenormalan itu yang justru nunjukin kalo dia bukan cinta tulus kamu. 
Jika cinta itu ada, maka dia hadir tanpa jasa
dia mengalir tanpa henti 
bukan "Sakit" tapi "Bahagia"
bahagia karena engkau bahagia
Dan demikian bahagianya cinta tulus, bukan melahirkan kegalauan tapi kepasrahan pada suratan takdir. Seorang fisikawan menurunkan rumus dengan memberlakukan syarat atau asumsi. Namun cinta tulus hanya punya satu rumus, yaitu:
Cinta Tulus = Tanpa Syarat
Memang gampang sih kalo cuma ditulis, tapi memang jujur sangat sulit banget untuk dilakuin. Makanya cinta tulus itu sangat spesial banget. Karena hanya orang spesial yang bisa nerima dan memberikan cinta tulus itu. Dan dengan semua kesulitan diri untuk ngelupain "dia" itu berarti saat yang tepat untuk berintrospeksi diri bahwa cinta kita memang belum tulus, pantaslah jika Tuhan belum mempersatukan kamu dan "dia". Dan pada saatnya kita akan menemukan ketulusan itu, entah dengan "dia" atau orang lain pasti hal tersebut telah digariskan dengan indah oleh Tuhan. 
Biarkanlah semuanya mengalir tanpa henti dan syarat. Bukan pun untuk dilupakan melainkan untuk memahami kalau memang kalian belum berjodoh untuk saat ini, kalau untuk di lain waktu? siapa yang tau :)

Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Little About Lean

Tulisan ini adalah salah satu hasil evaluasi dari lean games di kelas supply chain management kami sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu. 

Read the text below and fill in the gaps using the words given in bolds.

1. Lean vs Modern and Results vs. Process

Lean managers manage by Process by knowing at all times the condition of their process (which produces the results) so problems can be solved and improvements implemented before rather than after the fact. This is based on the knowledge that a good process will produce good results.
Of course, in order to succeed the Lean manager must deeply understand the process in question. This is the big impediment to managing by process in most Modern management organizations, where traditional managers often seem to have only the vaguest notion of how processes work and are currently performing. I’ll have more to say below on the practice of understanding processes.
Modern managers manage by Results to make their efforts look effective at the end of some reporting period (when the problems have already occurred). Unfortunately, there has never been a metric invented that can’t be gamed in some way to make the Results look better than they really are. As a car dealer once told me about the customer-satisfaction metric used by the car company supplying his vehicles, “It’s a lot easier to fix the score than fix the store, so that’s what I do, and I’ve been very successful.”

2         2. Lean vs Modern
Modern line managers improve processes by outsourcing problems to staffs or consultants.
Lean managers improve processes by directly leading improvement activities in dialogue with everyone touching the process, bringing in staff or consultants only as necessary on major technical issues. This practice is how Lean managers gain deep knowledge of the process they are managing, and it seems so obvious that I marvel that I need to write it down. Yet I have walked through company after company in recent years where the Modern managers had neither the knowledge nor the intention to improve anything. They did, however, have advanced skills in delegating to staffs and outsourcing to consultants

3. Lean vs Modern and Answers  vs. Questions
Modern managers give  Answers  to their direct reports about the nature of a problem and its solution.
Lean managers pose  Questions to their problem owners about the nature of the problem and the best available countermeasures. Doing this automatically transfers responsibility for the problem from the higher- to a lower-level manager, who is closer to the problem.
In authority-based management, the higher-level manager maintains the illusion of being in control and accepts responsibility for subordinates’ results, even though the best thing to do is usually impossible for the higher-level manager to know.

4         4. Lean vs Modern and Plans vs. Experiments
Lean managers treat every Plans as an Experiments with rigorous and continuing PDCA. This approach leads to a focus on discovering quickly how the Plans is working (the C) and then—the truly important action (the A)—rapidly devising and implementing countermeasures as the plan, if it is like most Plans, encounters problems.
Modern managers make grand Plans, on the assumption that they will work because they are lengthy and detailed. The lower-level employee’s job is then to carry out the plans, which should work because they have been carefully devised by knowledgeable people. This approach often leads to a focus on measuring compliance and determining who to blame when a plan fails.

5         5. Lean vs Modern and Formal education vs. On the job learning
Modern  managers seek Formal education to advance their careers, often outside the firm in management schools or inside the firm through executive education at a corporate “university.”
Lean managers pursue On the job learning within their organization by participating in frequent A3 cycles throughout their careers, mentored by managers at the next higher level with longer experience in the enterprise

6. Lean vs Modern and Data vs. Facts

Modern managers make decisions remotely, analyzing Data, usually in conference rooms far away from the gemba. (This is often called “conference-room management.”)
Lean managers make decisions on the gemba at the location of the problem, turning Data into verified Facts The now famous mantra of “Go see, ask why, show respect” captures the spirit of gemba-based decision-making.

7. Lean vs Modern  vs Go fast to go slow vs. Go slow to go fast
Lean managers Go slow to go fast by taking time at the outset to fully understand the process and its purpose, through dialogue with everyone involved (often including the customer and the suppliers) and by fully understanding the root cause of problems and the most promising countermeasure before taking action.
Modern  managers Go fast to go slow because problems are never fully understood and the quick countermeasures put in place don’t (and, in fact, can’t) address the real issue, leading to time-consuming rework.

8         8. Lean vs Modern  vs Vertically  vs. Horizontally
Modern  managers focus Vertically  on the organization, with all the functions and silos oriented toward the CEO at the top. This fits in perfectly with authority-based management, my first point of contrast above.
Lean managers focus Horizontally on the flow of value across the organization, from the initial concept for the product and the raw materials to the customer. This can only work by utilizing responsibility-based management where Lean managers think horizontally to solve problems by dialoguing with many departments and functions over which they have (and can have) no authority.

9        9. Mura, Muri vs Muda
And in most companies we still see the Mura of trying to “make the numbers” at the end of reporting periods. (Which are themselves completely arbitrary batches of time.) This causes sales to write too many orders toward the end of the period and production mangers to go too fast in trying to fill them, leaving undone the routine tasks necessary to sustain long-term performance. This wave of orders—causing equipment and employees to work too hard as the finish line approaches—creates the “overburden” of Muri This in turn leads to downtime, mistakes, and backflows—the Muda of waiting, correction, and conveyance. The inevitable result is that Mura creates Muri that undercuts previous efforts to eliminate Muda.

10. Waste: TIM WOOD
Overproduction  is the worst form of waste. It leads to excess inventory and hide other forms of waste.
Defects  are often expressed as either yield of good parts, such as 95% yield, or as defects per million opportunities.
Defects  may cause rework.
If a process goes beyond the specification for a product, then the process is wasteful. This is called overprocessing
Walking to printers and fax machines, excessive clicking or searching for supplies in a messy cabinet are all examples of waste of motion.
Many experts add a eighth, human focused, form of muda:  not using the capabilities of workers.

If a machine that is critical to a process goes down, the process cannot continue until the machine is back up and producing good parts. Until that happens, the operators are forced to wait.

Source: Lecture Supply Chain Management at Saxion